HomeMagazineCULT N.19_2023_DIGITAL


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Product: PDF _CULT _THE CUBE Magazine N.19_DIGITAL

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CULT Editorial

The cult of fashion, the cult of the anatomy of the classic, the cult of beauty, the cult of food. There is a thin thread that unites these apparently distant universes, being social animals that need to understand the old cults of ritual with the new ones, to rediscover the sense of what we were and what we are, defining the common use of a real or even symbolic space or time. Visiting an exhibition is certainly a cultural and social ritual. Fashion is a flow of ideas and content from which we draw every day, each in our own way, to represent ourselves to others, as if it were our first daily business card.

And books in every genre and especially fantasy ones are so popular with the new generation, to become a functional prefix of a form of sociality, a square frequented according to data by over 23 million 750 thousand people. Data that amaze us but that define a society, which we often do not analyze, but is changing through means that go beyond borders, prompting practical reflection beyond the individual gaze.

The issue you are about to read collects the suggested thread of all these discoveries that fill our lives with meaning and of that artistic and cultural production considered emblematic of its kind, therefore of cult, which enjoys the absolute admiration of many enthusiasts. We cannot lose the magical sense of the ability to be surprised by this perspective that joins two parts together, in a bi-valent way, bringing one person and the other closer without confusing them or pushing them apart, distinguishing what is on this side of the past and what is beyond the present.

What this magazine, in its own small way, tries to do twice a year, is to give an account of how the cult of talent, in the form of images and words, can illuminate even in threatening times, in which curiosity and the will to live are more necessary than ever.